Who We Are

St. Cecilia’s Brass Band is more than a just a gig for us; our hope is to bring meaning to people’s lives as they see off their loved ones.

We’ve lost loved ones, and know the pain and confusion that loss brings. It is so important to mark the loss with a ceremony or ritual so your body knows and remembers the truth of loss. Grief continues, of course, in our own personal time and remembrance. But truly celebrating a human, a friend, a loved one, who has gone on before us, both through sadness and celebration, can bring a deep sense of peace.

Though our name is Catholic, we are not religiously affiliated, and respect all creeds, faiths, genders, and identities. The jazz funeral ritual has no religion in it, but we will honor any traditions that are brought to us.

A final note: our band is mostly white, which is just because of the musicians who are/were available. The lineup changes as time goes by, but given the racial makeup of Portland that will likely continue to be the case.